





例1 翻訳領域の全エクソンのシーケンシングにより病的変異が検出されず、数カ所のヘテロ接合が検出された場合 
  • SAMPLE 1: Complete Gene Sequencing with Negative Results and Heterozygous Positions: 
検査名: XXX遺伝子のシーケンス解析
  • Test: Sequence analysis of the XXX gene
検査の理由: _______症候群の疑い
  • Indication for Testing: Suspected diagnosis of ________ syndrome
方法: 翻訳領域の18のエクソンと隣接するイントロンをPCR法により増幅し、両方向からシーケンスした。
  • Method: The 20 coding exons and the flanking intronic regions of the gene were amplified by PCR and sequenced in two directions. 
標準配列としてN M _xxxxxxxxを用いた。
  • The reference mRNA sequence is NM_xxxxxxxx,
  • with codon 1 corresponding to the start ATG and nucleotide 1 corresponding to the A.
結果: (今回の検査では)X X X遺伝子の変異は同定されなかった。
  • Result: No XXX gene mutation was detected.
詳細: 数カ所においてヘテロ接合となっている部位を認めた。
  • Details: Several heterozygous positions were noted,
  • consistent with the detection of two normal alleles.
  • At codon 255, both TAT and TAC were present.
  • This is a known polymorphism of no apparent clinical significance, since both sequences encode tyrosine.
コドン816ではCCA (プロリン、P )、CGA (アルギニン、R )が存在していた。
  • At codon 871, both CCA (proline, P) and CGA (arginine, R) were present. 
P816Rは疾患に無関係であると報告されている(A uthor et al, 2005)。
  • P871R is reported to be a nondisease associated normal variant (Author et al., 1999).
ほかにc.427-13(IV S 3-13)の位置にもヘテロ接合となっている部位を認めたが、病的意義はないと考えられた。 
  • Heterozygosity was also seen at a noncoding position, c.428-15 (IVS3-15), which has no apparent effect.

  • The presence of these heterozygous positions confirms that two alleles were present and excludes the possibility of a complete deletion of one allele.
 解釈: 本患者において_______症候群と関連する遺伝子変異は同定されなかった。 
  • Interpretation: No mutation associated with ______ syndrome was detected in the gene of this patient.
この結果は _____症候群の診断を否定するものではない。 
  • This result does not exclude the diagnosis of this syndrome. 
________遺伝子の変異は _________症候群の家族歴のある患者の 65%に認められ、家族歴のない患者の30%にのみ認められる(A uthor et al., 2000)。 
  • Mutations in _________ are found in 60% of patients with _______ syndrome and a positive family history, and in 35% of isolated cases (Author et al., 2000).
  • The interpretation is based on the current understanding of the genetics of ________ syndrome.
Limitations: Only the coding regions of the XXX gene and immediate flanking intron sequences were examined.
  • 限界: 本検査では X X X遺伝子の翻訳領域とそのごく近傍の領域のみが解析された。 
  • Changes in the promoter region, farther into the introns, or in other noncoding regions of the gene, would not be detected.
  • The sensitivity of DNA sequencing is over 99% for the detection of nucleotide base changes, small deletions, and insertions in the regions analyzed. 
  • Mutations in genes other than XXX would not be identified.
  • Multiple exon deletions, multiple exon insertions, and complete deletion of one allele may not be identified using these methods.
  •  Other types of rare genetic variation can interfere with this analysis.
  • References:


Ethical and Policy Issues in Genetic Testing and Screening of Children(2013)

ACMG recommendations for standards for interpretation of sequence variations(2000)

ACMG recommendations for standards for interpretation and reporting of sequence variations: Revisions 2007

ACMG Recommendations for Reporting of Incidental Findings in Clinical Exome and Genome Sequencing

American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Practice Guidelines, ACTIVE LIST

ACMG, Laboratory Standards & Guidlines("2008 Edition"とあるので既に古いかもしれないので注意。しかし、2013年の文献も掲載されているのはよく分からない)



Genetics in Medicine (2006) 8, 681–687; doi:10.1097/01.gim.0000245631.07117.ac


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In the article “Technical standards and guidelines: Molecular genetic testing for ultra-rare disorders” in the October 2005 issue of Genetics in Medicine, the definition of a rare disorder, rather than an ultra-rare disorder, was used in section URD 2.1 on page 572. The authors would like to clarify these definitions.

A rare disorder, as defined by the Orphan Drug Act of 1983, affects populations smaller than 200,000 individuals in the USA. An ultra-rare disorder, as defined by common usage, is a disease occurring in less than 2,000 individuals in the USA.

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